Nine Traits a Fractional CRO Must Possess to Be Successful

Revenue growth is crucial for any business looking to succeed, but not all companies have the resources or budget to hire a full-time Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) to develop a comprehensive revenue strategy. This is where Fractional CROs come in. They are experienced executives who provide strategic guidance and leadership to companies on a part-time or contract basis.

Fractional CROs are hired to help businesses improve their revenue growth by providing specialized expertise, strategies, and tactics to maximize revenue opportunities. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of a good Fractional CRO and why hiring one might be a smart choice for your business.

What Is a Fractional CRO, and What Do They Do?

A Fractional CRO is a seasoned executive who brings strategic guidance and leadership to companies on a part-time or contract basis. Companies looking to amplify their revenue growth seek the help of a Fractional CRO to provide specialized expertise, strategies, and tactics that maximize revenue opportunities.

Their services are commonly retained by companies that may not have the resources or budget to hire a full-time CRO yet desire to cultivate a comprehensive revenue strategy. In collaboration with other executives and departments, Fractional CROs work closely to detect potential growth opportunities and blueprint a plan to execute them.

They can deliver an array of services depending on the company's needs, including sales and marketing strategy development, customer acquisition and retention, pricing optimization, and overall revenue optimization. Their value proposition is their ability to pinpoint and prioritize revenue opportunities, allocate resources effectively, and develop metrics and reporting to measure success.

A CRO's specific responsibilities may vary depending on the company's goals and objectives. Here are some key tasks they typically perform.

Sales Tasks

Fractional CROs take charge of crafting a comprehensive sales strategy that is geared toward achieving optimal results. To do so, they work closely with sales teams to identify new revenue streams, as well as ways to bolster existing customer revenue. By honing in on target markets and customer segments, they are able to develop highly effective sales messaging and implement sales best practices.

Developing sales metrics and reporting is another key area of focus for Fractional CROs. Through careful sales data analysis, they can identify trends and opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. This enables them to make valuable recommendations for improving sales processes and revenue generation.

Marketing Tasks

In addition to sales, Fractional CROs are also heavily involved in marketing initiatives. They collaborate closely with marketing teams to develop customer acquisition and retention strategies. This might include providing guidance on messaging and branding, developing targeted marketing campaigns, and optimizing marketing channels to generate leads and increase revenue.

To ensure that marketing and sales efforts are aligned with the overall revenue strategy, Fractional CROs may provide guidance on pricing strategies and product development. They can analyze market trends and competition to help identify opportunities for product differentiation and pricing optimization.

Management Tasks

Fractional CROs also play a key role in overall business management. Working closely with other executives, they identify potential areas of investment and expansion, as well as risks and challenges that could impact revenue growth. Resource allocation and budgeting are also areas of focus for Fractional CROs, who strive to ensure revenue generation activities are properly prioritized, and resources are allocated effectively.

They also provide guidance on organizational structure and talent management to ensure the company has the necessary resources and skills to achieve its revenue goals. They provide leadership and mentorship to sales and marketing teams and work closely with HR to recruit and retain top talent.

Hiring a CRO: In-house vs. Outsourced

The decision to hire a CRO can make or break a business's revenue growth trajectory. But the call to bring a CRO in-house or outsource the role can be daunting.

One perk of having an in-house CRO is that they are immersed in the company culture, which equips them with an in-depth understanding of the business's products, services, and clientele. This familiarity with the company's strengths and challenges can lead to highly effective revenue growth strategies that are customized to the business's unique needs. Additionally, in-house CROs can collaborate closely with other executives and stakeholders, fostering better teamwork and alignment across the organization.

On the flip side, outsourcing a CRO can provide a novel viewpoint and access to a wider range of industry know-how and best practices. Engaging an external CRO also offers the advantage of flexibility regarding scalability and cost, with the company able to adjust the level of engagement based on current needs and budget. Moreover, outsourcing the CRO role frees up internal resources, enabling the company to allocate its efforts elsewhere.

When deciding between an in-house or outsourced CRO, it is crucial to assess the specific requirements and objectives of the business. For instance, an in-house CRO may be ideal if the organization has a robust internal team and seeks a long-term strategic partner. Conversely, outsourcing the CRO role may be more suitable if a short-term tactical approach or access to specialized expertise is needed.

Ultimately, deciding to hire an in-house or outsourced CRO should be the result of careful evaluation and consideration of your needs. Rushing into a decision without assessing all available options can result in missed opportunities and costly mistakes.

Nine Traits of a Good Fractional CRO

CROs are critical to any organization. They are, after all, responsible for improving a company's profitability. Unfortunately, not all are created equal. Here are nine traits a CRO must have to be successful in their role.

1. Has a Good Understanding of the Company's Sales and Revenue Goals

A CRO must have a crystal-clear comprehension of the company's sales and revenue goals. This understanding is an indispensable foundation for crafting a well-informed and effective business growth strategy. But here's the thing: simply scratching the surface and having a superficial knowledge of these goals won't cut it. A data-driven approach is needed to allow the CRO to dive deep into the nitty-gritty details of the company's sales and revenue goals. Only then can they make fully informed decisions that effectively support these goals.

2. Knows How to Develop a Revenue Growth Strategy

Once the CRO has a clear grasp of the company's sales and revenue goals, the next vital step is to develop a comprehensive strategy for revenue growth. However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to this intricate task. The strategy must be meticulously data-driven, highly actionable, and readily measurable.

Furthermore, it requires a nuanced approach to maximize existing revenue streams while identifying new avenues for growth. To achieve this, the CRO needs to adopt a targeted and surgical mindset, meticulously analyzing every aspect rather than using a broad-brush approach. By embracing this highly intricate, granular strategy, the CRO can confidently ensure a sustainable and significant surge in the company's sales and revenue objectives.

3. Knows How to Build a Strong Sales Team

If revenue growth is the goal, a high-performing sales team is a must-have. A savvy CRO invests in hiring, training, and motivating a team that is committed to achieving revenue targets. To succeed, a deep understanding of customer needs, a culture of accountability and improvement, and more are necessary. Furthermore, the CRO should ensure the team has the right resources – think data access, training, and coaching – to hit their marks in increasing revenue.

4. Fosters Collaboration Between Sales and Marketing

To drive revenue growth, the CRO must work closely with the marketing team to ensure they are both on the same page regarding the company's revenue goals. So, a good CRO must know how to foster a culture of collaboration where the teams share data, insights, and best practices.

By doing so, the company can maintain consistent messaging across all channels while effectively supporting sales objectives through marketing efforts. It is all about achieving optimal alignment between sales and marketing functions, which requires ongoing communication and a willingness to adapt strategies as needed to maximize revenue-driving activities.

5. Has a Keen Eye on Key Performance Indicators

In order to accurately gauge the efficacy of the business growth strategy, the CRO must possess the ability to proficiently identify and track a diverse set of key performance indicators (KPIs). The chosen KPIs must be explicitly defined, quantifiable, and meticulously aligned with the company's revenue objectives.

By vigilantly monitoring these KPIs on a consistent basis, the CRO can effectively pinpoint specific areas that necessitate improvement and make data-driven decisions accordingly. With this proactive approach, the company can dynamically adapt and respond to even the most nuanced changes in the marketplace, all while maintaining a steadfast and unwavering commitment to achieving its revenue goals.

6. Stays Up-to-Date With Industry Trends and Best Practices

To ensure a company's sustained success and stay ahead of the competition, the CRO must constantly be in the loop regarding industry trends and emerging technologies. This requires a deep-seated commitment to continuous learning and improvement and an eagerness to explore new and uncharted territories. By embracing this mindset and taking calculated risks, the CRO can drive the company forward and position it for long-term growth and profitability.

7. Fosters a Customer-Centric Culture

To foster a culture that prioritizes customer needs, the CRO must possess a deep understanding of the complex and ever-evolving requirements of the company's customer base. This comprehension serves as the foundation for providing unparalleled customer service and crafting innovative products and services that cater to these unique needs. By centering all organizational efforts on the customer, the CRO can cultivate an atmosphere that prizes customer loyalty and fosters sustained repeat business.

8. Data-Driven

The responsibility that the CRO holds in driving revenue growth is critical. To accomplish this task, they must deftly leverage data analytics and insights to inform their decision-making processes. By doing so, they can accurately measure performance and identify fresh prospects for boosting revenue. Unlocking this potential lies in facilitating a data-driven sales approach, empowering sales teams with the required data to make informed decisions. Thus, the CRO can unleash its team's full revenue-generating capabilities, driving sustained growth for the company.

9. Good Communication Skills

A successful CRO must possess a wide range of communication skills that allow them to clearly and persuasively articulate the company's revenue strategy and goals so they can progress toward those goals. They need to maintain consistent and open lines of communication with the sales team, fellow executives, and the board of directors to ensure success in increasing revenue. By prioritizing effective communication, companies can position themselves for long-term success and sustained growth in today's ever-evolving business landscape.

Reasons to Hire a Fractional CRO

According to a Deloitte/Workplace Intelligence survey, almost 70% of C-level executives are considering switching to a role that better supports their well-being. This shift toward work-life balance has led to an increase in demand for Fractional CROs. But that isn't a bad thing.

This change can actually benefit your organization in ways you have never imagined possible. Here are more reasons why hiring a Fractional CRO can benefit your business and help you achieve your revenue goals.

Cost Savings

When it comes to hiring a CRO, several factors can influence the cost, such as education, experience, industry, location, and additional skills. According to, the typical pay scale for a full-time CRO ranges between $241,565 and $391,770.

However, a Fractional CRO who works part-time charges an hourly rate ranging from $200 to $500. That may still sound like a lot. But since you will only be needing their services a few hours each day, you don't need to pay them for the whole day like you would with a full-time CRO.

Customized Engagement

Hiring a Fractional CRO has its benefits, including the ability to customize engagement to fit specific business needs. Companies can choose to engage with a Fractional CRO for a specific project or ongoing guidance, with the flexibility to scale up or down as needed.

This customized approach gives you control over the process and the ability to choose specific services that align with your goals. Fractional CROs also offer cost-effective options and valuable expertise, making them an attractive choice for businesses seeking efficient solutions.

Specialized Expertise

Bringing in a Fractional CRO could be a strategic move to expand your business's revenue streams, particularly if your current team lacks specific expertise. By leveraging their specialized knowledge and skills, they can help identify new avenues for revenue growth and provide greater flexibility in adapting to changing market conditions. With their unique expertise, Fractional CROs can also serve as a driving force for innovation, empowering your business to stay ahead of the curve and achieve greater success.


One of the prime advantages of enlisting the expertise of a Fractional CRO is their efficient approach to driving revenue growth. With their wealth of experience and specialized knowledge, they can rapidly hone in on key revenue opportunities without the need for an extensive onboarding process. Additionally, their exceptional adaptability allows them to quickly evaluate your business's revenue generation process and devise strategies to enhance revenue growth, ultimately leading to greater financial success.

Objective Perspective

Hiring a Fractional CRO can offer a fresh perspective, providing an objective view of your revenue growth strategy. This impartial outlook can help identify blind spots and highlight areas for improvement, ultimately providing the flexibility to pivot the strategy as necessary. The diverse expertise of Fractional CROs can further enhance this perspective, allowing you to gain valuable insights and knowledge that can contribute to your organization's growth and success.

Less Risk

When a company needs a CRO, the traditional approach of hiring a full-time employee can be both time-consuming and costly. This process entails a series of multifaceted steps, such as crafting job postings, sifting through countless resumes, and conducting numerous rounds of interviews, all of which can drag on for months on end. Moreover, even after expending such a vast amount of time and resources, there is always the risk that the chosen candidate might not be a good fit for the company's culture or brand.

Hiring a Fractional CRO provides a more flexible and less risky option. The hiring process can also be a lot quicker. And since they will only be working as consultants, this approach eliminates the concerns around personality conflicts and cultural fit, which can be major obstacles when hiring full-time employees.

Interim Solution

Hiring a Fractional CRO can be a strategic solution for companies looking to address revenue growth opportunities while searching for a full-time executive. The CRO can bring specialized expertise and quickly assess revenue generation processes, identifying areas for improvement and developing strategies to drive growth. This interim solution provides flexibility for the company to adapt to changing market conditions and take advantage of new revenue opportunities, all while searching for the right candidate for the full-time CRO position.

What Are the Signs You Need a CRO?

As a business grows, its revenue-generating processes become more complex. This can lead to a lack of clarity and focus, resulting in poor sales performance and inefficient processes. Here are some more signs you need to hire a CRO as soon as possible.

Declining Revenue

If your business has been experiencing a decline in revenue, it is time to take action. Hiring a Fractional CRO could be the solution you need to identify and address the root cause of the problem. These experts in revenue growth bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the table that can help your company regain lost revenue. They can quickly pinpoint revenue generation issues and develop effective strategies to turn things around. Working with a Fractional CRO can help set your business up for long-term growth and success.

Lack of Growth

Do you feel like your business is stuck in a rut? Has your revenue growth hit a plateau, and you are unsure of how to move forward? It might be time to consider hiring a Fractional CRO. These experts can help you identify new revenue opportunities and develop effective strategies to take advantage of them. With their help, you can evaluate your current revenue streams, uncover potential new ones, and implement successful approaches to maximize your revenue. A Fractional CRO can provide valuable insights and expertise, helping your business break through its growth plateau and achieve sustained success.

Sales Team Underperformance

Sales targets are essential, but reaching them can be challenging due to several factors. These may include a lack of training, poor communication, or inefficient processes that impact sales team performance. A CRO can help identify root causes and develop effective strategies, such as sales training, process changes, or CRM system optimization. Collaborating with a CRO can improve sales performance and optimize sales operations.

Inefficient Processes

Bottlenecks in revenue-generating processes can cause missed opportunities and a less-than-optimal customer experience. An experienced CRO can address inefficiencies by streamlining processes, integrating tools and tech, and reducing customer acquisition costs while increasing lead conversion rates and revenue.

Lack of Market Knowledge

As the business world moves at an increasingly rapid pace, it is essential to keep up with the competition. But a lack of market knowledge can significantly hinder growth and lead to missed opportunities. That is where a CRO comes in. They can provide invaluable insights to help your business stay competitive by conducting thorough market research and keeping up with emerging trends.

Lack of Alignment Between Sales and Marketing

When it comes to generating revenue, the sales and marketing teams are like two peas in a pod. However, if these teams are not in sync, the consequences can be dire, leading to many missed opportunities and lost revenue. A CRO can help unify the two departments.

CROs can work their magic to align sales and marketing processes, identify potential areas for collaboration, and ultimately pave the way for your business to generate more revenue and achieve its growth objectives. It is like having a seasoned navigator on your side, steering your business in the right direction and helping you discover the untapped potential that has always been there.


In the fast-paced business world, a Fractional CRO can be the missing piece to your company's puzzle of success. With their uncanny ability to navigate challenges and create growth opportunities, these professionals possess a unique combination of skills and expertise that can transform your business. Whether it is dwindling revenues or performance issues that are plaguing your company, hiring a Fractional CRO could be the answer to your problems.